Sunday, March 15, 2015

Coolest Most Comfortable Shoes For Spring 2015

I'm always on a quest to find the most comfortable and fashionable shoes. I don't understand why more fashion forward shoe companies don't design truly comfortable shoes, and when I say comfortable I mean:
1. A cushioned footbed
2. A Soft sole that gives when you walk
3. Fabric or leather that is soft and dosent cut into your foot

Is that so much too ask??!!!

For spring 2015 I have come across a company that has been around a while, and to be honest I'm quite surprised at the modern styles available, and the prices are point on, very affordable for the comfortable details. If your looking to pay under 50$ for a pair of comfortable shoes that are well made you won't find them, unless of course you find them on sale, comfortable comes with a price and well worth it for your feets sake!
I will most definitely be purchasing at least two pairs from Naturalizer, the styles shown here are modern, fresh, and even fashion forward and come in different colors, priced under $100.

My other Spring 2015 favorite is a pricier brand by far but a favorite of mine for the simplicity and elegant design, these shoes are very well made, every detail had been thought out, these shoes feel like a luxury brand, more than any other brand specializing in comfort shoes in my opinion.
Gentle Soles are worth the splurge since these shoes are extremely well made and last! Between $150-300.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

NATURAL HELP For Contact Dermatitis

Ever since my son was born six years ago I started to have these weird dry patches on my fingers tips, palms and tops of my hands, sometimes on my elbows. It's been so bad that my finger tips have cracked and bled and often my hands are so uncomfortable it's hard to do much of anything without wearing cotton gloves.
I finally had an allergy test after my dermatologist Recomended that I very well might have an allergic reaction to something I'm using every day. Well it turns out I do and it's not an easy fix since I'm allergic to two main ingredients in most hand washes, shampoo's, body lotions, cleansers, dryer sheets and laundry detergents....really!! Oh and black dye mostly found in rubber products, including my steering wheel! So that's why my hand is red and swollen exactly where I hold the wheel, that makes sense now. This only took me six years to find out mind you.
So what's a girl to do now, and how do I find relief? 


1.First off I threw or gave away all products containing the Allergic ingredient, I bought cotton lined mr clean rubber gloves for doing dishes and cleaning, an extra pair is for showering and shampooing my hair since I still haven't found a cleanser that dosent irritate my hands.
2. I bought half a dozen pairs of white cotton gloves I wear when my hands and fingers hurt to much to touch anything, always around the house and during my pilates class where I'm tugging on pully's that take a toll on my hands.
3. I have tried almost every natural oil and or emoilant out there from olive oil, emu oil, fresh aloe Vera, and so far unfiltered organic food grade coconut oil is working the best it's also has anti bacterial  properties so it keeps my hands clean, I use it about ten times a day, it's very greasy so I take extra time to thoroughly massage it in and wipe off the excess off which us great for your lips!
4. I've also been soaking my hands 2x a day in pure non perfumed Epsom salts and tepid water, this seems to be helping, I'm also going to buy some Dead Sea salts.
5. Eat a well balanced diet including a lot of B12 rich foods, there are some studies that show the diet plays a significant role in healing and treating contact dermatitis.
6. Some studies also show that apple cider vinegar which has antibacterial properties is good for contact dermatitis since it cleans the area and promotes healing; you use it straight from the bottle, if you have a cut it obviously will sting, I'm washing my hands with this a couple times a day, then air drying or blotting my hands dry.
7. I have also bought a faux sheepskin cover for my steering wheel, that is really hard to get used to so I'm trying to find a better solution or a better cover.

I hope this helps somewhat I will be offering more ideas as I go on, good luck and stay positive!! 


Tuesday, March 10, 2015

How To Wear The New Distressed Jeans

I think the best outfits are the ones that involve very little thought process, since you won't spend twenty minutes throwing half your closet on the floor before coming up with jeans and a tee. To create those outfits, you need most everything in your wardrobe to be versatile. Your closet needs items that go with other items and can be thrown together when you’re in a crazy rush. For example, perfectly distressed classic Levi’s, a white tee or white man's button down,  some flat bohemian chic sandals a modern trench coat teamed up with leggings and either ankle boots, pumps or fun/colorful running shoes. 

 Lets Start With The Perfectly Distressed Pair Of Jeans
1. pair with a clean white tee a trench and ankle boots, if you don't have a trench invest in one now it absolutely takes a so so outfit to another level in one easy step.

 2. Add a wide brimmed hat and a classic button down shirt Not tucked in for a modern look almost anyone can pull off, add Big sunglasses and be that chic mysterious woman other woman want to be.
 3. If it's chilly top your tee with an oversized sweater keep the jeans narrow though, remember if your baggy up top keep the bottom narrow and vice versa, if you're baggy all over you'll end up  looking shapeless.
 4. Try rolling up your jeans and adding a pump, flat ballet shoes, or strappy sandals.
 5. Pair men's looks with feminine looks, these oxfords with rolled up jeans and a sequin jacket, the combination sounds off but looks perfect here on Anastasia from Turchin Jewelry's SS2015 Campaign.
Don't forget the layered bracelets and necklaces.
 6. A classic black layered tank with a mans button up is one of my favorite looks with distressed denim, I am wearing this as a uniform this spring. I'll also wear my skinny jeans with this.
I love the Lariat Necklaces from Turchin Jewelry's Classic Necklace Collection, just perfect with this style!
Makeup Tip: Add A Red Lip To Add Pizzaz and Color To Your Skin.

Organizing Your Outfits and Closet Step One

Don't you want to be one of those women that always looks effortlessly put together, even when she's wearing jeans and a tee. She's learned the art of a key accessory or two that takes a simple outfit to the next level of cool or chic. 
We can all learn her tricks but first you need to realistically go through your closet and put everything you haven't worn and hasn't fit for the last 18 months in bags, that will be donated or at least put in storage until your ready to donate.


Step 1: You want essentials in your wardrobe ( essentials will change depending on your job right now I'm talking about weekend wear and after work wear)

1. A well fitting pair of modern jeans in a various assortment, a flair, a distressed, a skinny whichever you feel comfortable in and look good on your body type, be realistic.
2. An assortment of tanks that can be worn alone and as a under layer, they should be long enough so your belly dosent peek out in a variety of classic colors, white, navy, black, and chocolate brown.
3. Classic tee's in short and long sleeves (think Gap) in the same colors as above, I also always keep at least one striped tee in the mix, right now I have three.

4. An oversized denim shirt or jacket, make sure it's a clean design and isn't overly adorned with anything, classic denim will last forever and always looks modern, make sure the jacket isn't too oversized but fits well.
5. Classic white button down shirts, a stripe is fun, and any other colors that go with your wardrobe.
I like to have about three or four.
6. Leggings long for winter and solid colors are best without shine or any adornment, cropped below the knee for spring and summer, go for classic colors, black, navy, chocolate brown, and only white if you're legs are really in shape and well toned since white leggings are Unforgiving and rarely look good on anyone unless your 18, 5'9"" and as skinny as a model.
7. Nice running walking/sneakers think Adidas, Nike, New Balance or similar, ankle boots in black or brown/tan, flat strappy sandals, footbed sandals a modern take on a Birkenstock, there are so many styles now, a pump in a classic color and a sexy strappy heel or wedge whatever you can walk in that's' still has chic factor. Choose classic colors in all except the running shoes which can be fun, like orange, turquoise, or stark white.
8. A trench coat in black or a sand color, a black blazer, a pop of color blazer or jacket as in a bomber or suede/ leather jacket.
9. Little black dress without any extra adornments, a modern style that isn't too trendy.
10. Black trousers and black jeans.

Once you have the Essentials in your wardrobe it's simple to put your look together then add one chic accessory or two to amp your style from classic to classic chic.

Essential Accessories:
1. At least 3 scarves skinny and wide that can be draped, tied, and worn long around your neck and shoulders.
2. Belts, leather and fabric belts for trousers and pants, wide waist belts even an Obi belt, Asian influences always come in and out so it's a fun style to keep forever.
3. Sequin jacket to throw over jeans and a striped tee for a chic Parisian look.
4. Layered bracelets, a mens style watch, long necklaces to layer with skinny silver and gold chains with pendants.
5. A perfect mani and pedi always.
6. A modern tote or carry all in a classic color 
7. Cool oversized sunglasses modern and chic.
8. One or two wide brimmed or man style hats.

Here Are Some Ideas On How To Put It All Together

Monday, March 9, 2015

The BEST Of Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is one of the few foods that can be classified as a “superfood.” Its unique combination of fatty acids can have profound positive effects on health. This includes fat loss, better brain function and various other amazing benefits including beauty uses.

I first bought coconut oil when my brother, a serious health conscious guy researched the benefits of coconut oil and alzheimer's disease, that runs in our family. I bought it and started to use it instead of olive oil and loved the flavor, I even spread it on toast like butter and found it to be delicious, it sounded weird but try it it's incredible.
 When I found out I had contact dermatitis and was allergic to some of the main ingredients in many moisturizers I started to use coconut oil and it didn't irritate my skin like almost every other oil or moisturizer had, I was becoming a true coconut advocate.


If you don't like the smell of coconut oil you will never like it, but if you love the smell like I do, its just glorious, I don't mind smelling like an exotic cocktail. I started to experiment by using it as a conditioner and my hair was so soft afterwards and less flyways too!

1. Heat up some water and add a teaspoon of coconut oil and mix well, Look for extra virgin that has not been hydrogenated, bleached, or refined in any way or [has] any fragrance or dyes added to it.

2. Put it in your hair after you shampoo and rinse, comb through and leave on for 5 to 15 minutes then rinse well.

"I also love it as a body scrub it works amazing at making my skin extremely smooth and dewy, and softens rough elbows miraculously."

3. Mix 4 tablespoon of very granulated raw sugar or regular sugar if you don't have the raw and about 6 tablespoons of coconut oil. Put the mixture in a glass container and cover for future use. This absolutely takes away the rough dry patches on my feet like nothing else.

"I've even used it to remove my eye makeup since my eyes are highly allergic to any eye makeup removers I've used, its amazing and doesn't sting a bit". 

Let me know if you have any other idea's and uses for coconut oil, even great recipes are welcome!
Woman Holding a Cracked Coconut

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Highly Allergic To A Sanitized Life

Allergies, what is going on and what is making us more allergic than ever before?
I've had contact dermatitis for 6 years, I'll cover that in my next post, but my six year old was just diagnost with an airborn allergy, and one of the most frustrating conclusions is that his doctor said we don't cure the allergy since that's almost impossible we just take care of the symptoms so he can live a more symptom free life, what's going on??

According to UCLA Health The hygiene hypothesis states that excessive cleanliness interrupts the normal development of the immune system, and this change leads to an increase in allergies. 

Why are Allergies Increasing?

The occurrence of allergic disease is skyrocketing, and some estimates are that as many as one-in-five Americans have an allergic condition. Allergies are specific and reproducible undesired and unpleasant immune responses that are triggered by naturally occurring substances such as foods, pollens or other influences in  our surroundings. Overwhelming evidence from various studies suggests that the "hygiene hypothesis" explains most of the allergy epidemic.


The hygiene hypothesis states that excessive cleanliness interrupts the normal development of the immune system, and this change leads to an increase in allergies. In short, our "developed" lifestyles have eliminated the natural variation in the types and quantity of germs our immune systems needs for it to develop into a less allergic, better regulated state of being.

This diagram simplifies the immune system into two separate tendencies: TH1 and TH2 responses. On the left, we see that exposures to germs, "dirt" and certain types of infection are part of the natural development of our immune response from a "default" TH2-based system at birth to a "mature" TH1-based system. On the right, we see how some cultural choices can interrupt the course of the immune system, and allow the TH2 response to continue to dominate and promote allergic conditions. Therefore, many of the advances of modernization, such as good sanitation and eradicating parasitic (helmith) infections, may actually be fueling this epidemic of allergies.

Hygiene Hypothesis Diagram, UCLA Food & Drug Allergy Care Center
Nature Reviews Immunology 2002 (2) 132-138 Larger image >>

NRI diagram

Ok so what the study at UCLA Is saying is that here in the Western world we are too clean, too sanitized and too "urban civil".
So what are we supposed to do get a couple chickens and put them in our small yards, if we have a yard, have more children, use less antibiotics (I agree with this one), fire our housekeepers or clean our homes less often I also can live with that one! 
This study seems somewhat logical to me but who knows allergies can be increasing because of so many factors besides the fact we have grown into an ultra sanitized society which I will be covering all this week, next week I'll be posting about how to manage allergies naturally.
Ciao For Now, and Achoo!! 

Friday, March 6, 2015

Layering Your Bracelets Like A Pro

Spring/ Summer 2015 is all about that bohemian spirit and style and what better time than now to pull out those beaded bracelets you have and learn how to layer them with the ease of a fashion editor. 

You don't have to go out and buy a bunch of new arm candy but can probably use a lot of what you've collected over the years, and if you haven't visit us online for more ideas.

1. You can mix a retro 70's/ 80's silver and tourquoise bracelet with one two even three bracelets as a combination of beads and even a thin bangle thrown in for personality.
2. You know those FREINDSHIP bracelets the young girls are making and maybe your daughter has made you, wear it with another two or three bracelets, it gives your wrist personality and an all your own meaningful look made with LOVE.
3. Don't shy away from mixing metals silver and gold were meant to be together.
4. Layer with a watch, it's very French Chic
5. Get creative have fun after all that should be what fashion is all about!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

How a To Get Your Child or Children Ready For School (without drama)

Before I was a mom, as I like to call it, my Mom Fantasy moments I saw myself getting my child ready in the mornings as a joyful time the two of us could share, talking about the day to come, making pancakes together, so much fun. Screech to a halt and wake up from that fantasy fast, my mornings are nothing like that, a complete opposite with daily screaming, punishing, and my blood pressure going through the roof just to get a kindergartener dressed, fed, teeth brushed and off to school on time. I had to find a way, I was determined if I were to make it through to high school.
I started to change some of my routines and slowly I began to see real improvements, not perfection mind you but a lot less yelling and a lot happier mornings for sure.


1. Before bed I lay out my clothes and his clothes for the day ahead
2. I wake up 45-55 minutes before it's time to wake him up, I have time by myself to either meditate, stretch, have my much needed coffee, check emails and just be, a rare moment as a mom.
3. I make sure I'm 80% ready to go for the day even before I wake him up which means showered, some makeup on and at least partially dressed.
4. I wake him up with a head massage and back tickle, ask him about his dreams and always I mean always can get him out of bed with a piggy back ride. About 5-7 minutes.
5. Our son is Not a morning guy it takes him a good 15 minutes to be civil, so I give him space.

Getting him dressed is a chore so I try and make a game out of it. 

1. Let's see who can get dressed faster mommy or you
2. If you get dressed before I get back with my shoes on you can choose the movie we watch this weekend
3. Brushing the teeth is the entire ABC's which he feels proud to recite and actually sings his way through.

*We also got him a Guinea Pig a few weeks ago so one of his new responsibilities is to feed this little creature named Beni whom we're all just loving. Guinea Pigs purr when they're happy and when you pet them sweetly, it's adorable. Responsibilities ( they like ) are a Fabulous way to get a child motivated to do things.

Good luck with the mornings let me know how you do!!

Help I Lost My Readers

That was me untill recently,I don't know how many pairs of glasses I lost but it was a lot! We're jewelry designers so it was about time we did something about the lack of modern ways to wear and protect your eye wear.
Turchin Eye Rings a necklace that holds your glasses are unisex adjust in length and are cool and modern looking.... Finally.
Check them out if you don't believe me.