I am now seriously startled at the slightest movement in bed, or smallest sound, my heart races and can take me hours to fall back asleep if I'm given that privilege, sometimes that's it for the night!
Ok so what's changed, well I did have our son five years ago, a year afterwards I started peri menopause, now in full menopause, ok that makes sense but how do I function without my sleep???
I'm personally opposed to taking meds for menopause since my worst symptom is waking up at night, no sweats and a relatively decent mood ( ok I can get bitchy but hey he deserves it...ha); so I have tried some natural meds, melatonin, camomile, even L-Tryptophan. Yes they all work great at putting me to sleep since I have No problem with that Thank God but not Great at helping me fall back asleep at 4:00am since I don't want to be taking a sleep aid three hours before I need to be up!
I have tried getting up drinking tea ( then I have to pee an hour later ) reading, surfing the net, snacking not a great idea, then I read in a blog a sleep tip that (Thank Goodness I decided to try), because it helped me not once but for an entire month now! This is a miracle Cure for me, and best thing it's natural and easy. This cure doesn't involve anything but your mind and the alphabet, you start with the letter A and choose whichever topic you like, I started with cities in the USA and tried to think of each one according to the alphabet, A to Z, a week later I started with Country's, the next week towns in the northeast, whatever you choose trust me it works. I had serious doubts even as I was into mid alphabet and State my first try, I thought how is thinking so hard going to put me to sleep, well it's the thinking on one subject and not the mind-wandering from subject to subject that does it because it really works! Try not and veer off, sometimes I go through two alphabet tries but undoubtedly on mid third try I'm asleep, it AmaZing!
Let me know if this works for You, I would Love to hear the stories!
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