Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Conquer Your Fears (Part 1)

Admit it we all have fears, we wouldn't be human without them, but some of us definitely have more fears than others, seemingly anyway. Fear is the word we use to describe our emotional reaction to something that seems dangerous. But the word "fear" is used in another way too; to name something a person often feels afraid of.

I began to think about where fears come from after living with someone who had a fear based anxiety   disorder. Are we born with certain survival instincts, or are fears here to protect us, say fear of wild animals, of heights, excessive speed, of deep water, etc?
Yes certain fears can be healthy if it cautions us to stay safe around something that could be dangerous. But sometimes a fear is unnecessary and causes more caution than the situation calls for.

Overcoming A Fear Of Mine:
I used to drive on the same highway pass for months with no problem at all until one day for some reason while I was driving on this very curvy over pass I felt a weird pang in my stomach, a terrible nervous sensation, I was immediately afraid, I kept concentrating on where I was going and was soon off the pass and on the highway. What had just happened??!! I tried not to think about it and just wrote it off as a one time thing. The next time I came upon the over pass though I didn't think a thing about it until the same feelings came over me, but this time with the added bonus of unnerving tingling sensations in my legs, Holy SH&@!!!!! I tried my best to compose myself so I could get off the pass and onto the highway without God knows what happening.
I had no idea where this fear came from, or what to do about it, my first thought was that I would find ways around that overpass so I would never ever have to go that way again. Then I started to think back to my childhood, and remembered some fears and apprehensions I'd had, I clearly remembered a couple times when my mother didn't steer me away but guided me in the direction of my fear, and I overcame them!! I sat there remembering the feeling of being afraid, and best of all I remember with much satisfaction and pride moving away from those fears with her guidance, I knew what I needed to do but wasn't happy about it.
It took me several months going over that overpass with numb legs and serious stomach cramps, but it was ultimately worth all of those uncomfortable feelings since I know that specific fear could have grown into something much bigger. I drive regularly on over passes now, (I won't lie)with a little bit of unease but nothing compared to what it was. I will always try to move in the direction of fear instead of turning around and running, I want to feel freedom in myself, this can take work and challenging tasks but so worth every effort you make!

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