Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Pregnancy After 40 (my story) part 2

One of my fantasies while pregnant was holding my newborn dressed in a long silk nightgown ( think Victorias Secret ) in a comfy rocker blissfully breast feeding, happy, rested and at peace. What universe was I living in??!! 
When I was pregnant I decided to give birth at a hospital with the help of a doula, unlike a midwife who delivers the baby, a doula is a professional trained in childbirth who provides emotional, physical and informational support to the mother who is expecting and during the birthing experience. My doula was also the teacher of our birthing class my husband and I attended called hypno- birthing; breathing exercises that train you to calmly get through your contractions in a relaxed state instead of tensing up and screaming through them. Our doula also recommended a drug free birth, meaning no epidural, a natural birth in other words. 
I was on board I wanted the best for my unborn baby and that included eating healthy, being in a calm state of mind as often as possible and not allowing any drugs into my body during the birth that would be ultimately transferred to my innocent baby.
Fifteen hours into my natural birthing process where I had been unbelievably calm through-out, (hypno birthing works) excruciating  contractions, they started to come non stop without a break to breath, I couldn't scream, I could only cry, I finally begged for an epidural and forty five minutes later I had real relief, for a moment anyway. I could finally relax for a moment and notice what was going on around me, why were the nurses running in and out of the room, turning me from one side to the other and back again, my husband looked worried, what was going on? How could I have not noticed this before? It's called mind altering pain.
What no one was telling me was that the umbilical cord had been wrapped around my baby's neck and depending on how they moved me the cord would be loosened a bit so the baby's vitals would go back to normal, but only for minutes at a time, my team as like to call them were on top of every move the baby made to make sure he was getting enough oxygen. Holy SH#%>!!!
The nurse looked at me and must have seen terror written all over my face since she calmly but firmly said "You need to breath and stay calm for your baby", I did exactly what she said, in that moment  I truly became a Mother, I've never been more scared. My doctor ended up having to use forceps to pull our son from me since he wasn't coming out naturally and a c section would have taken too long, this was an emergency situation.
He did emerge somewhat purple but quickly faded to a yummy healthy pink color, my doula who had been a life saver and serious hard worker throughout laid him on my chest, I let out a huge sigh of relief and stared at this amazing being that had already started to change life as I knew it.

  Our son with his gorgeous cousin Jordan, with Ringo the poodle and wearing ray bans.

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