Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Pregnancy After 40 is Possible (My Story) Part 1

I always wanted children, because that's what your supposed to do right? After around thirty I began to feel the emotional tug of wanting a baby for a few weeks at a time then it would go away, come back again, and so on and so forth till my husband and I decided to adopt a baby from China many years later. Something I had dreamed of doing ever since China opened international adoptions of their "unwanted" daughters, my thinking at the time was that the world didn't need any more children but to help the babies that needed us the most.
A year after filling out mounds of paperwork, home studies, health examines, and basically spilling every detail of our lives, our paper work was sent to China with a log in date of May 12 2007.

When we first started the adoption journey we were told it would be about 1-2 years before we would be matched with our baby girl. Quickly I realized this just wasn't going to be the case as the increase in family's that were adopting from China seemed to dramatically slow down the adoption system to a snails pace. My husband and I were antsy and felt overly ready to be parents. We had never tried to get pregnant, I'd always tried Not to, but I was beginning to have second thoughts.
So we decided to give it a go, we would still adopt from China, but now our Chinese daughter would have an older brother or sister. Low and behold I conceived the second month, wow we were beyond over the moon, funny how quickly you fantasize about what you'll do as a family, how life will be, Disney World, school plays, we heard the baby's heart beat, it was heavenly, then I miscarried in my third month. 
From the highest high to lowest low in a moment laying on the OBGYN's table, "I am so sorry I don't hear a heart beat" he said and rest is a blur as I began to sob, and didn't stop for days. Eventually I peeled myself out of a depression that only in the slowest sense began to heal a little day after day, why did this hit me like a ton of bricks? 
Well not only is miscarriage a serious and painful loss, but I started to think that maybe my only chance to conceive was gone, I was 42 after all. Not a fun time, but in typical character I began to think positively about conceiving again to the point of buying positive and inspirational CDs for my car and listening non stop. Anytime a negative thought or fear about getting pregnant came into my head I would push the crap out of it with a positive!! A Lot of sex and positivity later we were blessed with a healthy pregnancy and birth almost exactly a year later, I was 44.

My Cutie at 7 months

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