Monday, September 30, 2013

New Moms Over Forty...Sleep Deprived

I was so excited to be pregnant and having my first baby...finally... at 43 that I wasn't thinking about how drastically motherhood after forty would change my life. 
My husband and I had a very comfortable and relaxed life and routine, lots of freedom and independence.
As much as I was over the moon and in love with my baby, I just wasn't prepared for the months, no years of interrupted sleep and sleep deprivation. 
The first two years I was sleeping maybe 2-3 hours straight per night since my son just wasn't sleeping  well, I felt as if I were slowly dying, the lack of sleep was sucking everything from me; I was getting sick all the time, couldn't remember conversations, I had no interest in anything but trying to get my baby to sleep better so I could begin to function again as a human being.

Initially I didn't have any other moms to talk to that were going through similar experiences, so I felt very alone, my family wasn't near me and my husbands family just wasn't the same.
I finally found support online with other moms going through similar experiences and with older first time moms in my child's pre school. 
I'm finally getting more sleep now and do feel human again, but I also realize that being a mom comes with many changes in lifestyle one of them feeling like you never get enough sleep, ( because you don't) all my mom friends feel the same way, so I've excepted it and take advantage of sleeping in when I take a solo trip to visit family or friends!

Getting Your Sleep
If you do have supportive family and friends nearby let them help you, have them take the baby for a couple hours and let you get some zzz's, trust me you need every hour you can get, the better rested you are the better able you will be to take care of all the needs of your baby. 

  • Add aromatherapy. If adjusting the levels of light and sound in your room hasn't made an impact, consider an herbal remedy that calms the senses. Adding an aromatherapy candle in a calming scent like lavender can help your mind to unwind at the end of the day and begin to shut down for sleep. In fact, a 2005 study conducted by Dr. Namni Goel at Wesleyan University's Sense of Smell Institute found that lavender improved the quality of sleep by helping subjects spend more time in deep, restorative sleep. If you're worried about the dangers of sleeping next to a lit candle, consider lavender oil on a sachet beneath your pillow or in an aromatherapy diffuser.
  • Rework your workout. Exercising in the morning or early afternoon can help re-set your body's natural rhythms and sleep cycle, making it easier for you to catch some shut-eye at the end of the day. If vigorous exercise sounds like too much when you've been up all night with a crying baby, consider doing a few yoga poses before bedtime—a study on treatment of chronic insomnia with yoga published in the December 2004 Journal of Applied Psychophysiology and Feedbackfound that a simple daily yoga treatment led to statistically significant gains in sleep quality and total sleep time for participants. Gentle stretching helps your body relax and unwind, setting the stage for some serious drowsing.
 Cons Of Being an Older Mom:
As most women earn more money at 35 or 40 than they did when they were 25, there may be a sizeable drop in income if you are planning to be a stay-at-home mom. But if you return to work, you are likely to earn more than a younger mom, even if you return to work part-time. 
You are probably more confident and relaxed now than you were 10 or 15 years ago, which is a big plus when you're a mom. Having more life experience under your belt can bring maturity and better parenting skills. You're more likely to breastfeed your baby, which is good for your own health, as well as your baby's. 
You are also more likely to be emotionally and financially ready for children, and in a settled relationship.
Support For Older Moms:
One study found that older moms are less likely to live near their family or other friends with children. If this is the case, you may find it takes you a while to build a support network of friends in your local area. 
Taking birthing classes while you're pregnant will give you immediate contact with other local women who are expecting. Mommy and me groups after the birth may give you the social contact and support you need. 

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Botox My Experience

I didn't have a child till I was over forty so I had a lot of extra time to spend on myself, that and maybe having been a model might explain the reason I started using Botox in my late thirties. Botox for use as a cosmetic procedure was very new and sounded a little scary and disconcerting injecting snake venom into your face even though it was obviously diluted to a minimum. But the chance of warding off wrinkles won and I guinea pigged my way into my dermatologists chair for the initial experience.

At thirty seven it was hard to tell a difference how well it worked but I remember liking that my forehead didn't move up an down, weird but true, also when I was around thirty eight a younger freind of mine commented that my forehead didn't have any wrinkles and was so smooth, "you have great skin she said", she was right I did and I quietly thanked her while avoiding the details, it was my little secret, for the time being anyway... Then all of a sudden Botox was in vogue, in fashion, in the news, in a lot of faces, my secret was out. 

I continued the injections in my forehead and around my eyes until I found out I was pregnant at forty two then again at forty three ( I miscarried then carried full term) I wasn't very nervous about the time without the injections since mother nature pretty much helped out with the forty pounds I gained while pregnant, turned out the extra pounds were great at plumping out my wrinkles, I actually looked younger than ever while pregnant at forty three.
I didn't go back to Botox for almost two years after the birth of our son, and have now returned in full swing every four months or so, we just added the neck as a new area to freeze. I've noticed in pictures recently that my neck was starting to look strange, stringy, and old, luckily my dermatologist had the answer, hmm, I'm still not convinced so I took some before and after pictures to see if I would be able to see a difference.

I think I look fresher but not altogether changed or frozen since my dermatologist in Miami, Martin N Zaiac is wonderful at giving me a natural non alien or plastic look that obviously some dermatologists favor, very scary! 
In my twenties I said I would age naturally, in my thirties I said I may or may not try any age related cosmetic procedure, in my forties I do and will try some procedures but only at a minimum, because as much as I want to look young I don't want to look weird or alien, what a fine line this is to cross but I know it's possible, as these women prove to be true, obviously as celebrities they have tweaked this and that, but still look "natural", if we even know what that looks like anymore on a women over forty???

Friday, September 27, 2013

Relationship SOS Gimme Space

A fabulous quote in the must read book The Prophet says this about marriage, "let there be spaces in your togetherness, and let the winds of the heavens dance between you." I translate this as I need my space, you need your space we will both be happier and more content when we have some "separate" time. 
I always thought a happy and healthy marriage meant spending as much time as possible together, I mean if your in love shouldn't you be together a lot??! I got it all wrong, 99% of couples need their own space, time to be individuals and not part of someone else, time to contemplate, and then back to the couple again.
The hardest time in my relationship with my husband was soon after the birth of our son, we were together all the time the three of us, we rarely went anywhere without our baby or each other. This put a lot of strain on our relationship, because we were a three, it wasn't about us as individuals anymore, true when you become a part of a relationship its not all about you and when you add a baby to the mix its even less about you. But that doesn't mean you should loose who you are, you do evolve but it's so important to evolve into a person you have control of, a person you got to know along the way, not a person who was dragged along in a coma.
My husband and I still  haven't found that happy medium, I always have to remind myself to find time for myself, without my husband and son. I love them dearly but the space is necessary  and makes me a much happier, more sane, ultimately better person.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

50 Shades of Going Gray

Stop The Presses, Kate Moss is turning forty this year, hmm...maybe that's the reason I saw her sporting gray roots, is she embracing her new decade, or is this a new fashion trend??!
Believe it or not it may be the latter, it seems there is a new trend among the under thirty-ish crowd, embracing all shades of gray; this is confusing to me since I've been pulling my own gray's out one by one as they began to appear a few years ago and now cover every six to eight weeks...ugh.

I just can't understand why you would intentionally go gray? Then I remembered almost every hair color looks good on the under thirty set wether or not its purple (think Kelly Ozbourne) or jet black. The new shades of gray must be the New color to go to when you want attention, a look at me color that was once a forbidden hue to embrace in the past under a certain age has now become the New Rebel Color of choice! I'm beginning to look at this hue in a new light, I just love when it's two toned and paired with a modern cut, stunning.

So now I'm thinking maybe I shouldn't cover my stray gray's, maybe I should go Rebel and embrace the GRAY??!!

Some celebrities that look divine embracing the gray.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Pregnancy After 40 (my story) part 2

One of my fantasies while pregnant was holding my newborn dressed in a long silk nightgown ( think Victorias Secret ) in a comfy rocker blissfully breast feeding, happy, rested and at peace. What universe was I living in??!! 
When I was pregnant I decided to give birth at a hospital with the help of a doula, unlike a midwife who delivers the baby, a doula is a professional trained in childbirth who provides emotional, physical and informational support to the mother who is expecting and during the birthing experience. My doula was also the teacher of our birthing class my husband and I attended called hypno- birthing; breathing exercises that train you to calmly get through your contractions in a relaxed state instead of tensing up and screaming through them. Our doula also recommended a drug free birth, meaning no epidural, a natural birth in other words. 
I was on board I wanted the best for my unborn baby and that included eating healthy, being in a calm state of mind as often as possible and not allowing any drugs into my body during the birth that would be ultimately transferred to my innocent baby.
Fifteen hours into my natural birthing process where I had been unbelievably calm through-out, (hypno birthing works) excruciating  contractions, they started to come non stop without a break to breath, I couldn't scream, I could only cry, I finally begged for an epidural and forty five minutes later I had real relief, for a moment anyway. I could finally relax for a moment and notice what was going on around me, why were the nurses running in and out of the room, turning me from one side to the other and back again, my husband looked worried, what was going on? How could I have not noticed this before? It's called mind altering pain.
What no one was telling me was that the umbilical cord had been wrapped around my baby's neck and depending on how they moved me the cord would be loosened a bit so the baby's vitals would go back to normal, but only for minutes at a time, my team as like to call them were on top of every move the baby made to make sure he was getting enough oxygen. Holy SH#%>!!!
The nurse looked at me and must have seen terror written all over my face since she calmly but firmly said "You need to breath and stay calm for your baby", I did exactly what she said, in that moment  I truly became a Mother, I've never been more scared. My doctor ended up having to use forceps to pull our son from me since he wasn't coming out naturally and a c section would have taken too long, this was an emergency situation.
He did emerge somewhat purple but quickly faded to a yummy healthy pink color, my doula who had been a life saver and serious hard worker throughout laid him on my chest, I let out a huge sigh of relief and stared at this amazing being that had already started to change life as I knew it.

  Our son with his gorgeous cousin Jordan, with Ringo the poodle and wearing ray bans.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Pregnancy After 40 is Possible (My Story) Part 1

I always wanted children, because that's what your supposed to do right? After around thirty I began to feel the emotional tug of wanting a baby for a few weeks at a time then it would go away, come back again, and so on and so forth till my husband and I decided to adopt a baby from China many years later. Something I had dreamed of doing ever since China opened international adoptions of their "unwanted" daughters, my thinking at the time was that the world didn't need any more children but to help the babies that needed us the most.
A year after filling out mounds of paperwork, home studies, health examines, and basically spilling every detail of our lives, our paper work was sent to China with a log in date of May 12 2007.

When we first started the adoption journey we were told it would be about 1-2 years before we would be matched with our baby girl. Quickly I realized this just wasn't going to be the case as the increase in family's that were adopting from China seemed to dramatically slow down the adoption system to a snails pace. My husband and I were antsy and felt overly ready to be parents. We had never tried to get pregnant, I'd always tried Not to, but I was beginning to have second thoughts.
So we decided to give it a go, we would still adopt from China, but now our Chinese daughter would have an older brother or sister. Low and behold I conceived the second month, wow we were beyond over the moon, funny how quickly you fantasize about what you'll do as a family, how life will be, Disney World, school plays, we heard the baby's heart beat, it was heavenly, then I miscarried in my third month. 
From the highest high to lowest low in a moment laying on the OBGYN's table, "I am so sorry I don't hear a heart beat" he said and rest is a blur as I began to sob, and didn't stop for days. Eventually I peeled myself out of a depression that only in the slowest sense began to heal a little day after day, why did this hit me like a ton of bricks? 
Well not only is miscarriage a serious and painful loss, but I started to think that maybe my only chance to conceive was gone, I was 42 after all. Not a fun time, but in typical character I began to think positively about conceiving again to the point of buying positive and inspirational CDs for my car and listening non stop. Anytime a negative thought or fear about getting pregnant came into my head I would push the crap out of it with a positive!! A Lot of sex and positivity later we were blessed with a healthy pregnancy and birth almost exactly a year later, I was 44.

My Cutie at 7 months

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Do I Need Probiotics???

I have never been a vitamin taker I was lucky I remembered to take the pill! Or maybe that's how I got pregnant!!!???! Seriously though after the birth of my son at 44 I kept getting sick, every five months or so, it was exhausting, I had to do something fast I was spiraling down quickly! 

I was recommended by a "health-concious" freind that I begin to take probiotics that are known to work in the stomach where bacteria grow, that can lead to colds, flus, and such; I was desperate so I bought some!

Probiotics have been the most unbelievable discovery for me, since I have been taking them daily for going on three years, and knock on wood I haven't had a bad cold or flu since, is this a miracle or just lucky? Honestly I was almost afraid to write about it for fear that my luck would run out!!

 I also recently added a women's daily vitamin, a B12 for amazing energy ( Really!! ), some Omega 3's because the rest seemed to be making a difference and my brother another " health conscious" guy recommended it.

What's with the Probiotics anyway, do we need them???

You don't necessarily need probiotics says Katherine Zeratsky, R.D., L.D. from the Mayo Clinic a type of "good" bacteria — to be healthy. However, these microorganisms may help with digestion and offer protection from harmful bacteria, just as the existing "good" bacteria in your body already do.

Prebiotics are non digestible carbohydrates that act as food for probiotics. When probiotics and prebiotics are combined, they form a synbiotic. Fermented dairy products, such as yogurt and kefir, are considered synbiotic because they contain live bacteria and the fuel they need to thrive.

Probiotics are found in foods such as yogurt, while prebiotics are found in whole grains, bananas, onions, garlic, honey and artichokes. In addition, probiotics and prebiotics are added to some foods and available as dietary supplements.

Although more research is needed, there's encouraging evidence that probiotics may help:

  • Treat diarrhea, especially following treatment with certain antibiotics
  • Prevent and treat vaginal yeast infections and urinary tract infections
  • Treat irritable bowel syndrome
  • Reduce bladder cancer recurrence
  • Speed treatment of certain intestinal infections
  • Prevent and treat eczema in children
  • Prevent or reduce the severity of colds and flu
All I can say is that I don't go anywhere without my probiotics, I'm a believer, so does his make me a " health nut"?? Nah, I still put marshmallows in my morning coffee!!

British Invasion

Traveling through Europe (while modeling) in the mid eighties as an American with Dollars was an enlightening experience, we were RICH, at some points the dollar was almost twice as much as the British Pound!
Shopping was frivolous and fun, this is when I became intrigued with British designers, then I did a video with the Rolling Stones and became intrigued with British music and fashion even more ( and Mick Jagger😉,but that's another story).
Some of my favorite's right now are these Hunter Boots, very British countryside, Joe Malone scents are Divine. I fell in love with Top Shop at this same time, it has always been a fun, and inexpensive ( not so much now) place to shop. Alexander McQueens moderate line MCQ has some beautiful picks for the season, I especially like the belts, and fuzzy sweater-ing.

All Saints is a must for cult worthy staples that are at the same time edgy, cool and timeless.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Denim Picks

Even before I knew there was a trend towards denim I was craving denim shirts, so much so that I've purchased three since the beginning of summer.
When I started researching for this post I happily saw a bevy of denim jackets out there and not just your average Levi's retro style but lots of styles, shapes and lengths, mind you I will be buying the retro version but I am tempted to try something new and different. 

Brands to try: 
1. J Brand for sleek unadorned styles that fit perfectly
2. J Crew, preppy styles gone cool
3. Hudson, a personal favorite of mine with great back pockets that give my booty a lift
4. Mother, flattering just off the presses styles that flatter all shapes
5. Paige Premium another brand that flatters all shapes
6. 7 for all Mankind a great Nuevo classic
7. Levi's the Original classic
8. Gap, fashion worthy and wallet friendly 

I Love all these denim shirts, I will be wearing a long denim pick with a skinny jean or legging, a dark denim shirt with boyfriend or antiqued jean and pumps or wedge booties. I would love to pair the faded denim shirt with a sequin or pencil skirt and pumps or my favorite motorcycle boots.

Denim doesn't have to be tricky or complicated a great fitting jean looks absolutely perfect with a white T and blazer, bomber, collegiate or denim jacket. Denim on denim is another very cool statement, just make sure one part of your ensemble is fitted, baggy denim all over can look teenager-ish or bag lady-like.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Pimples Over 35...HELP!!!

My skin troubles began when I was around eighteen or nineteen just after I started modeling, having heaps of makeup applied to my face, traveling non stop and not eating particularly well may have been early contributing factors. 
It's so hard to describe the feeling of living with acne, I remember not wanting to go out, feeling like everyone was staring at my skin, and they were, I was modeling and supposed to have perfect skin; makeup artists would make rude comments, huff and puff about having to apply layers of concealer, I cringed inside and became more and more withdrawn. I could go on and on about how acne lowers your self esteem, makes you feel like you want to crawl in a dark room for life but I suppose if your reading this you already have a good idea what I mean so I will spare you any more of the gory details. 

In this picture below I had foundation caked on covering my pimples, thank goodness for great lighting and fabulous makeup techniques, this was French Elle circa 1984.

Why Me and Not Her???
Oily skin is hard to control because it's the result of genetically determined hormonal changes in your body, and you simply cannot control hormones topically. The hormones responsible for oily skin are called androgens—the male hormones—and they are present in both men and women.

Androgens stimulate healthy oil production, and while that truly has benefit for your skin, it is a problem when androgens stimulate too much oil to be produced! When too much oil is produced, the pores become larger to accommodate the excess oil production. Excess androgens can also cause the pore lining to thicken, which blocks oil from getting out of the pore, and that can result in blackheads and white bumps.

YOUR NOT ALONE check out these actresses with breakouts and oily skin.

So What Helps Unblock Pores?

Glycolic acid is found naturally in sugar cane and grapes and is commonly used in skin care problems including acne treatment, exfoliation, and chemical peels. For daily use find a daily cleanser with 8 to 10 percent concentration of Glycolic acid. Also try a weekly regimen of Glycolic acid peels for up to 6 weeks. Glycolic helps smooth out uneven facial tone and can even reduce the appearance of surgical scars, acne scars, and other blemishes.
So it’s not surprising that many older women turn to milder remedies, some of which also take into account that their blemishes sit atop dry, sensitive skin.

Products Please!!
1. Aczone (dapsone) shown to be gentle for dyer not 20 year old skin
2. Atralin Gel
3. Retin-A Micro 0.04 percent gel.

Another excellent exfoliating (pore de- clogging) ingredient for oily skin is salicylic acid (BHA). Salicylic acid exfoliates not only the surface of your skin but also inside the pore lining, thus improving pore function and allowing oil to flow easily to the surface, so it doesn't get backed up and plug the pore. In addition, over time, regular use of a BHA exfoliant will help fade the red marks from past blemishes, yippie!

Another benefit of salicylic acid is that it has anti-inflammatory properties, so it reduces irritation, which helps to calm oil production, lessens flaming red pimples.

More Products Please!
1. Garnier Pure Active
2. Clinique Mild Clarifying Lotion
3. Neutrogena Deep Clean  

Skin Ceuticals a brand favored by some dermatologists, recently introduced Blemish + Age Defense, a serum that combines 2 percent dioic acid with an alpha- and beta-hydroxy acid, and is designed to prevent acne, reduce hyperpigmentation and make fine lines and wrinkles less apparent. recommends the products below for controlling Adult Acne.


There is no definitive proof that specific foods cause breakouts, but some medical professionals say diet can play a role. “Whenever hormones surge — around your period, during peri-menopause and menopause, when you’re pregnant, when you start or stop the Pill, and, yes, when you’re stressed or eat hormone-enhanced foods, i.e. nonorganic meat and dairy, skin changes can occur,” said Dr. Jeanine Downie, a dermatologist in Montclair, N.J.

Whatever the cause, hormonal havoc can overstimulate oil glands to pump out extra sebum, said Dr. Joshua Zeichner, director of cosmetic and clinical research in the dermatology department at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York. But aging skin is also drier, in part because of the cumulative effects of sun exposure. So when it comes to treatment, “less can be more, especially when it comes to adult acne,” Dr. Zeichner said.

I Finally found relief from my problematic skin with Retin- A, Glycolic and Salycic ingredients one of my favorites being Neutrogena's Rapid Clear Pads, drinking freshly made juices and Tons of water. Good Luck and please SHARE products that work for you and your experiences!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

In Transit Fly- Girl Style

I started traveling around the world when I was eighteen, modeling, actually getting paid for photo shoots in Paris, London, Milan, Bali, Morocco, Greece, Seychelles, and Capris among many, many more incredible and fascinating places. That was a couple decades ago and I can finally say with confidence that I have my airplane style "in-check". I used to travel, I'm sorry to say, fresh faced ( You can do this at 19 ), scrunchi in hair, and aerobic shoes....scary but true, it never really looked good, trust me.

I learned from my mistakes and today I usually wear all black, denim with stretch for comfort, socks ( for security check ) a small comfy wedge booty or sandal, and layered t shirts with a soft leather jacket or a comfy cashmere sweater. I'll mix it up with blue denim from time to time but that's pretty much it, this look works for me and a lot of celebrity's I noticed as I was doing research for this story.
 Wear what you want on board but if you care about looking polished or chic and still comfortable you can follow some of my tips and these from Eva Longoria who looks cool and comfy in denim, a boxy sweater, long scarf, and chic bag, oh yeah and a great attitude. The super chic dressed in all black Angelina Joli with her huge pumpkin tote, I love her polished unisex style. Cameron Diaz looks young and put together in a fun fedora, antiqued denim, wedge sandals and a t shirt/ sweater mix, great for changing climates. Diane Kruger ops for a cross body bag, love, black denim, sweater and leather jacket, short comfortable looking boots, the hair could be better in a nice pony but all in all she looks really good. Lastly I asked my hubby to take this of me just before departing to Miami's airport, my all black style.
I would love to hear about your favorite transit style tips, leave me a comment.
Be chic, travel safely, find comfort, smile a lot!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Hair Cuts That Flatter....Us!

I remember when I was 29 years old I said to myself when I turn 30 I'm lopping my past the shoulder length hair off to just above shoulder length since that is an appropriate length for my age......WHAT was I thinking!! I didn't do it Thank God because I really love my long hair, I keep it colored and trimmed regularly so it's bouncy and shiny and Damed if I do I may keep it this way for another decade!
So what hair length and cuts flatter not 20 year olds?
This depends on 2 factors.
1. Face shape
2. Lifestyle...that's it!!

If you work in a corporate office on a weekly basis you obviously need polished hair, not sexy or pastel colored, that makes sense. If you are a freelance writer you have more options and freedom,
A doctor needs to look professional, A mom with young kids needs flexibility; whatever your lifestyle, your hair style needs to work with, Not the other way around.

Face Shapes: Usually round, and heart shaped faces look great with almost any length hair, except  maybe super short, square faces look great with short hair and most every other length. Long faces typically look best with bobs of all lengths, mid length styles, short hair and extra long hair will draw a long face down. I have a long face and wear my hair past my shoulders so I have my stylist Draco from Hair Dragon Salon in Miami cut wispy pieces in the front to add some softness. 

I included a picture of myself below along with some hair-styles I love that are flattering, cool and somewhat easy to pull off! Please share your ideas for great flattering cuts!!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Braids, too young or just right?

Tricky subject for me since I really love braids but seriously feel there is an age limit. My first pre- pubescent love of "Adult Braids" came about when I saw the then young and absolutely stunning Bo Derek sporting them in the film10. Didn't everyone think braids were sexy after seeing her? I never tried to reproduce her look thank a God since most of the women I saw try this ended up looking, hmmm how should I say, ok like white girls trying to look like sisters, and in a bad way; there was nothing sexy about it; seriously this was a hard look to pull off.
Bo Derek had a face that was perfect and sadly or remarkably she could have done anything to her hair and look beautiful, a rarity indeed! 
I think Hiedi a Klum is also an exception, did I ever say how much I like her, well I do, she looks amazing for any age, rocks motherhood, is a seriously successful business women and even though every look she try's doesn't always work out she's confident and has a great sense of humor about herself! (my female crush I guess)
Back to braids I tried endless styles of them this past summer in the hopes of staying firstly cool and wanting to embrace this trend. Much to my serious disappointment my experiments didn't work, I tried but when I looked in the mirror I just saw this 48 year old women trying much too hard, this truly pissed me off since I wanted to sport some braids, really I did!

Please show me I'm wrong and send me your over 40 year old selves wearing braids and looking Chic!!
Here are some braids I Love and wish I could wear, that's me in the top left picture when I was about 32, sixteen years ago.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Ear Cuffs, Beautiful Adornment or Alien FashionTrend?

Ok if I have to be honest when I first saw the rhinestone ear cuff below right I was amused as it looked sort of alien like, I adore sci-fi so I thought it looked interesting but a tad weird ( just how I like it) but Not something I would wear.
if I were in my 20's I would embrace the trend as I believe it most probably looks better on someone in that age range. I Love the serpent cuff with the long chains and would be tempted to wear something like that, not with a backless dress but perhaps a low v back. Obviously you need to wear your hair back when sporting an ear cuff to show off the bauble and not get your hair into a tangled mess.
Let me know what you think, would love to hear from you!❤ How old is Too old for this trend???

Check out these sites for cheap to expensive ear cuff designs.

Add caption

1. Ryan Storer Rose Gold Ear Cuff, $570
2. ASOS Rhinestone Ear Cuff with Swarovski Stones, $43.10
3. Miss Selfridge Curve Stone Ear Cuff, $14
4. Miss Selfridge Pearl Hanger, $7
5. Miss Selfridge Crystal Lobe Ear Cuff, $7
6. ASOS Crystal Scroll Ear Cuff, $17.59
7. Miss Selfridge Cream Ornate Ear Cuff, $5
8. Urban Outfitters Crystal Teardrop Cuff Earring, $20
9. Topshop Gradual Spike Ear Cuff, $18
10. Topshop Sparkly Pearl Cuff Earring, $10
11. Urban Outfitters Crosby Cuff Earring, $18
12. Miss Selfridge Haematite Encrusted Earring, $9

Saturday, September 14, 2013

How to Dress Youthful....without looking like a teenager

Dressing youthful is an Art. You may laugh and think how hard can that be I just go to the junior department pick out some clothes and be done with it or worse borrow clothes from your teenage daughters closet. Please Don't I beg of you because you will look ridiculous!
Instead check out how these not 20 any more Celeb's do it, with ease, with an element of cool, to perfection.
Heidi Klum takes a distressed boyfriend style jean adds a pop of canary yellow, a cool rocker belt, aviators, a simple necklace, pretty hair, she looks casual, youthful, age appropriate, and sexy.
Jen Anniston another example in a more classic turn, a white t shirt always looks fun as long as its clean. Jen does denim perfect with a cute but not cutesy cuff, white classic walking sneakers ( not gym shoes!) and a crisp navy jacket, an easy combo to buy and keep forever. ( you could probably buy this entire look at Gap)
Kristen Davis looks casually hip in a black and white dress at an almost too long length but because it dips in the front this dress works for her, if it weren't for the dip it might look dowdy; always remember youthfulness is sexy but just a bit here or there NOT here and there and there and there.
 Julianne Moore my not be sexy in this outfit but she does look youthful and cool with her skinny camo jeans and school girl style over coat, aviators add a modern twist, I just love it!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Eye Lash Extensions Fabulous or Freaky?

My experience with lash extensions has been good and bad, my first experience with semi permanent lashes (normally last between 6-8 weeks) was amazing my small almond shaped brown eyes were brought to life with zero need for mascara or shadow, hallelujah! Then I slept in them the first night and wanted to yank them off immediately, this was about eight years ago mind you circa 2005 and they hadn't perfected the glue I guess since it dried hard and super uncomfortable at the lash line so when I slept with my head on the side I could feel the little hard points like scabs on my eye lids, ouch!

 I eventually had to have them removed within the week. I haven't as of yet tried the new technique in a salon but I buy the small individual clusters of three lashes and have learned with a little practice how to expertly apply them with tweezers ( a must, and a 5x magnifying mirror). Wow the effect is still breathtaking and now it even gives my eyes the illusion of a lift, I am calling this the cheapest, fastest eye lift around! Do try this at home and use the white non permanent glue to practice with, the clear glue lasts for weeks but is difficult to remove, you will yank out your own lashes if your not careful with it!

Some of my favorite lash looks and some over the top looks, J'dore!!!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Making Black Work For You

I used to literally live in black, black leggings, black t shirts, a black tuxedo jacket, black leather booties, black tights, and a black carry all. I looked chic, I was 20 years old and living and working in Paris as a model in the Fashion Capitol of the world. Today if I tried that same look I would look ridiculously harsh not just because of the all black in itself but because I live in Miami and only visiting New Yorkers, ex New Yorkers, or wanna be New Yorkers wear all black here.

My closet has slowly evolved over my years in Miami and color is very apparent in shades of blue, coral, whites, grey, pink, and last but not least black, less than 25% of the total! Unheard of in my 20's.
Black is back and in a Big way...I am so excited ( did it ever go anywhere?).

What blacks will I be adding to my wardrobe this season?
1. Black sexy pumps
2. Black lacy bra & panties (my hubby will be thrilled)
3. Black leather booties
4. Black Cape (hope I don't look like a vampire)
5. Black mini (not too short) leather skirt 
6. Black skinny leather pants
7. Black wax coated skinny jeans
8. Black slim tailored trouser
9. Black t's, I can never have enough
10. Black Clutch, I already have a beautiful black balenciaga tote. 

Some of my favorite and real- life black looks for the season

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Juice For Young Skin

I started juicing over 20 years ago long before I needed to think twice about youthful skin, I loved the fresh tasting concoctions and became addicted to the energy it gave me!
Now I See the benefits in my skin tone and glow, I am constantly being asked what I use on my skin and its sort of embarrassing since I still use a teenager's skin regime of almost any drug store oil free cleanser, a dab of cold pressed olive oil under my eyes and on lips before bed, I skip the moisturizer most nights since I still have oily skin over 40! (48 to be exact, that's me in the BIG Jackie O's below)
Battling oily skin while  living in the tropics has been a nightmare  and will be the theme of another blog. Getting back to juicing, If you want glowing skin and more energy ( and who doesn't, come on ) this is one of my Biggest Tricks, and it's Amazing for you!

Recipe For Glowing Skin:

Yields about ~30oz, depending on the size of the carrots.

  • Apples - 2 medium (3" dia)
  • Carrots - 14 medium
  • Oranges - 2 small (2-3/8" dia)

Process all ingredients in a juicer, shake or stir 

Added Benefits of this Recipe: 

Monday, September 9, 2013

HOT PINK ...Really!??

Hot Pink, Fuschia, however you decide to call it, designers are showing this bold color for fall/winter 2013.
 Wether or not you embrace this shade of pink is up to you, but I have to say a little Fushia goes a long way in my opinion. Head to toe I couldn't personally wear as I would probably throw up by hour four, its just too much happiness in a fiber to wear all over, sort of like a pepto bismol eruption...yuk.
I can and will wear this shade of pink in  low doses, I would go as far as Fuschia snake skin pumps, a clutch, a t shirt, I own a DKNY Fushia silk skirt which I will be pulling out and wearing with my black leather motor cycle boots and with a not as yet bought pair of skinny sexy black pumps, I can't decide by whom yet, either Jimmy Choo maybe or Michael Kors has some super pretty black pumps!
Don't forget you can also embrace the pink in a lip gloss, an umbrella, gloves, a silk cashmere scarf, or 
A pink gemstone necklace or bangle.

Whichever way you choose to wear HOT PINK remember to wear it your way, with your personal touch.